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Eder Carneiro
Update Object Example
I'm new to the Genesys SDK. Anyway, I'm trying to modify or create some new 'option' in the config server. This is the sample that exists in the api docs:
ConfObjectDelta delta0 = new ConfObjectDelta(metadata, CfgObjectType.CFGApplication); ConfObject inDelta = (ConfObject) delta0.getOrCreatePropertyValue("deltaApplication"); inDelta.setPropertyValue("DBID", objCreated.getObjectDbid()); inDelta.setPropertyValue("name", "ConfObject-new-name"); ConfIntegerCollection delTenants = (ConfIntegerCollection) delta0.getOrCreatePropertyValue("deletedTenantDBIDs"); delTenants.add(105); RequestUpdateObject reqUpdate = RequestUpdateObject.create(); reqUpdate.setObjectDelta(delta0); Message resp = protocol.request(reqUpdate); if (resp == null) { // timeout } else if (resp instanceof EventObjectUpdated) { // the object has been updated } else if (resp instanceof EventError) { // fail((EventError) resp); } else { // unexpected server response }
Well, I cannot guess how it works, since there is no change in delta0. Changes are made in the ConfObject, but anyway the object used to request changes is the delta0. Can anyone explain how that works at all ?
David Alexander Alvarez
Supervisor Messages in IWS (BroadCast Messages)
I have configured the Broadcast Messages option through the IWS, but I wonder if there is any option to send a message to all agents of a group or a tail. Not an agent of the queue or group but to all agents who are in that group or queue.
I have configured the Broadcast Messages option through the IWS, but I wonder if there is any option to send a message to all agents of a group or a tail. Not an agent of the queue or group but to all agents who are in that group or queue.
Best Answer chosen by David Alexander Alvarez
William Davidson (Genesys)
There is no Out of the Box Configuration Option to send a message to all agents of a group.
From my research Administrators within the contact center shall have the ability to broadcast messages to all agents logged in. You have to add customization to send and receive broadcast message. IWS and WDE are a T-Lib client. It is my understanding that sending a request is pretty simple, but we'll still need to build an IWS or WDE module or custom GUI around that and integrate it into the IWS or WDE. This custom client would send RequestDistributeUserEvent with attached data in the specific format to the communication DN. http://docs.genesys.com/Documentation/IW/latest/Dep/ViewingBroadcastMessages. Therefore this requirement would be customization. GA for the communication DN setup and Custom for designing and implementing the custom client that would send RequestDistributeUserEvent.
BIll D
There is no Out of the Box Configuration Option to send a message to all agents of a group.
From my research Administrators within the contact center shall have the ability to broadcast messages to all agents logged in. You have to add customization to send and receive broadcast message. IWS and WDE are a T-Lib client. It is my understanding that sending a request is pretty simple, but we'll still need to build an IWS or WDE module or custom GUI around that and integrate it into the IWS or WDE. This custom client would send RequestDistributeUserEvent with attached data in the specific format to the communication DN. http://docs.genesys.com/Documentation/IW/latest/Dep/ViewingBroadcastMessages. Therefore this requirement would be customization. GA for the communication DN setup and Custom for designing and implementing the custom client that would send RequestDistributeUserEvent.
BIll D
Andreas Vgenopoulos
Custom "My Messages" display in WDE 8.5
--Workspace Desktop Edition
Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
- Is it possible to customize what or from whom the messages in end-user (agent) "My Messages" sub-window will be displayed? I mean, the agent could see Admin/Supervisor messages but not System/Config.Server messages.
- If the above is not possibe, could I totally disable the "My Messages" option from the WDE menu?
--Workspace Desktop Edition
Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
Best Answer chosen by Andreas Vgenopoulos
Jakub Nemec
Just through the customization of WDE, not by default as I know
Alan Luna
Genesys Administrator Version IIS
Hi l have a question.
Genesys Administrator supports IIS 8.5
Thank you for your answer
Best Answer chosen by Alan Luna
Jakub Nemec
As is mentioned in available documentation:
Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Version 8.5YesNo
Both Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 by default (includes ASP.NET 4.5) and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) installed.
So, IIS 8.5 is supported by GA.
Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Version 8.5YesNo
Both Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 by default (includes ASP.NET 4.5) and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) installed.
So, IIS 8.5 is supported by GA.
Andi Ho
How to display only part of calling list data in WDE (not all calling list data)
Hi All,
Now I face a problem, my customer requires to display only a few calling list fields in WDE, the rest fields are not cared by operators and should not be displayed in WDE.
Is there any way to carry out this requirement?
Many thanks.
Now I face a problem, my customer requires to display only a few calling list fields in WDE, the rest fields are not cared by operators and should not be displayed in WDE.
Is there any way to carry out this requirement?
Many thanks.
Best Answer chosen by Andi Ho
Jason McLennan
In the Annex of the field objects you dont want displayed, add interaction-workspace\display = false
Check out https://docs.genesys.com/Documentation/IW/8.5.1/Dep/OutboundInteractions for a list of all options relevant to customising the deiplay of fields.
Check out https://docs.genesys.com/Documentation/IW/8.5.1/Dep/OutboundInteractions for a list of all options relevant to customising the deiplay of fields.
Stefano Tassinari
Hello to all,
does anyone know where I can find a ETL_Assistant functioning? the version in my possession is probably old, it does not recognize the oracle SID despite being correct.
Thank you
PS I need to groped to solve a problem: after the cancellation of a layout report the ETL has stopped transferring data!
Hello to all,
does anyone know where I can find a ETL_Assistant functioning? the version in my possession is probably old, it does not recognize the oracle SID despite being correct.
Thank you
PS I need to groped to solve a problem: after the cancellation of a layout report the ETL has stopped transferring data!
Best Answer chosen by Stefano Tassinari
Peter Sandor
in software download, choose product="CC Analyzer/CCPulse+" and choose component="Data Mart"
Best Answer chosen by Jay Pixler
Jay Pixler
Hi Nikolas, it's Oracle DB and this worked like a charm. I also found a date/time field start_ts_time in the mediation_segment_fact_gi2 table you mentioned which provided what I needed today but the conversion you provided will help me for years to come. Many thanks, Jay
HemanthKumar Catna
how to place Interaction in Agent Group workbin in IRD ?
Created a Agent Group Workbin under Workbin section in Business Process ( Selected Agent Group Radio Button ).
Able to see the created Group workbin under Scripts folder.
Whereas in Routing Strategy in the Route Interaction ( Workbin ) Block, under Target Selection, If i choose Agent Group, the newly created Group workbins are not showing.
Need to route all the incoming emails to Group Workbin. It will be great if someone helps on this.
Can anyone help on this.
Created a Agent Group Workbin under Workbin section in Business Process ( Selected Agent Group Radio Button ).
Able to see the created Group workbin under Scripts folder.
Whereas in Routing Strategy in the Route Interaction ( Workbin ) Block, under Target Selection, If i choose Agent Group, the newly created Group workbins are not showing.
Need to route all the incoming emails to Group Workbin. It will be great if someone helps on this.
Can anyone help on this.
Best Answer chosen by HemanthKumar Catna
Jakub Nemec
Try to read more about workbins. They cannot be used as you want to do (routing target as agent group type - It does make a sense).
Chia Hung Keng
Genesys WDE Extension: How to retrieve dialing mode from InteractionEvent
Is there anyway to determine the dialing mode of an outbound interaction received in WDE via the InteractionEvent?
container.Resolve<IInteractionManager>().InteractionEvent += new System.EventHandler<EventArgs<IInteraction>>(InteractionEvent);
private void InteractionEvent(object sender, EventArgs<IInteraction> e)
IInteraction interaction = e.Value;
var dialingMode = interaction.OutboundChainRecord.Records.First().CampaignInfo.Mode;
I was trying to retrieve the dialing mode from CampaignInfo.Mode but it doesn't return any value.
Is there anyway to determine the dialing mode of an outbound interaction received in WDE via the InteractionEvent?
container.Resolve<IInteractionManager>().InteractionEvent += new System.EventHandler<EventArgs<IInteraction>>(InteractionEvent);
private void InteractionEvent(object sender, EventArgs<IInteraction> e)
IInteraction interaction = e.Value;
var dialingMode = interaction.OutboundChainRecord.Records.First().CampaignInfo.Mode;
I was trying to retrieve the dialing mode from CampaignInfo.Mode but it doesn't return any value.
Best Answer chosen by Chia Hung Keng
Pete Hoyle (Genesys)
Actually thinking about this more, you are trying to resolve the ICampaignManager in the constructor of you custom module. What is probably happening is that at the time the constructor of your custom module is run the Outbound Module probably has not yet been called and so the ICampaignManager has not yet been registered.
Either wait until WDE has finished loading before resolving the ICampaignManager or resolve the ICampaignManager on the InteractionEvent where you want to get the Campaign Mode.
Either wait until WDE has finished loading before resolving the ICampaignManager or resolve the ICampaignManager on the InteractionEvent where you want to get the Campaign Mode.
Arijit Nag
WDE Customisation
Can you please me to start writting code for WDE customisation? Wanna capture the workitem answer event and then the verint recoding will start and when the workitem has been handled will stop the recording.
the service for verint recording we have and know how to call, but unable to find in wde how to catch the event.
Thanks in advance.
Can you please me to start writting code for WDE customisation? Wanna capture the workitem answer event and then the verint recoding will start and when the workitem has been handled will stop the recording.
the service for verint recording we have and know how to call, but unable to find in wde how to catch the event.
Thanks in advance.
Best Answer chosen by Arijit Nag
Shahzeb Iqbal
Contact me on shaahzeb@gmail.com (mailto:shaahzeb@gmail.com), and i will provide you with example code on how this could be done in the most efficient way. Also what are the options you have in terms of events handling for a multimedia type interaction compared with a voice type interaction.
I have a wrapper around the protocol and connection, where I defined this method:
Then from the client code (in this case a simple JUnit test):
Note that the getOrCreatePropertyValue method does not seem to work for KVList collections like "changedUserProperties", or "deletedUserProperties", it just returns null. So I had to create a new KeyValueCollection myself, set it as a property on the delta object with the expected attribute name - see https://docs.genesys.com/Documentation/PSDK/latest/ConfigLayerRef/CfgDeltaApplication