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WDE Interaction Samples for Button View don't work
When I load the InteractionExtensionSample from WDE v8.5 I get errors (in MSVS 2013) relating to the code below in the XAML.
What references do I need to add to make this code work?
<common:DesignTimeResourceDictionary Source="/Genesyslab.Desktop.WPFCommon;component/themes/generic.xaml" />
<commonControls:SideButton Name="splitToggleButton" Margin="2,2,0,0" Style="{DynamicResource SideButtonStyle}"
Content="My _Sample" Click="splitToggleButton_Click" />
Pulse 8.5 formulas and functions
Sorry about that, looks like there was a change on the docs site. Try this:
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Genesys Administrator Version IIS
Hi l have a question.
Genesys Administrator supports IIS 8.5
Thank you for your answer
Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Version 8.5YesNo
Both Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 by default (includes ASP.NET 4.5) and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) installed.
So, IIS 8.5 is supported by GA.
WDE Customisation
Can you please me to start writting code for WDE customisation? Wanna capture the workitem answer event and then the verint recoding will start and when the workitem has been handled will stop the recording.
the service for verint recording we have and know how to call, but unable to find in wde how to catch the event.
Thanks in advance.
Genesys WDE Extension: How to retrieve dialing mode from InteractionEvent
Is there anyway to determine the dialing mode of an outbound interaction received in WDE via the InteractionEvent?
container.Resolve<IInteractionManager>().InteractionEvent += new System.EventHandler<EventArgs<IInteraction>>(InteractionEvent);
private void InteractionEvent(object sender, EventArgs<IInteraction> e)
IInteraction interaction = e.Value;
var dialingMode = interaction.OutboundChainRecord.Records.First().CampaignInfo.Mode;
I was trying to retrieve the dialing mode from CampaignInfo.Mode but it doesn't return any value.
Either wait until WDE has finished loading before resolving the ICampaignManager or resolve the ICampaignManager on the InteractionEvent where you want to get the Campaign Mode.
how to place Interaction in Agent Group workbin in IRD ?
Created a Agent Group Workbin under Workbin section in Business Process ( Selected Agent Group Radio Button ).
Able to see the created Group workbin under Scripts folder.
Whereas in Routing Strategy in the Route Interaction ( Workbin ) Block, under Target Selection, If i choose Agent Group, the newly created Group workbins are not showing.
Need to route all the incoming emails to Group Workbin. It will be great if someone helps on this.
Can anyone help on this.
Hello to all,
does anyone know where I can find a ETL_Assistant functioning? the version in my possession is probably old, it does not recognize the oracle SID despite being correct.
Thank you
PS I need to groped to solve a problem: after the cancellation of a layout report the ETL has stopped transferring data!
I know your question is a little old, but I wanted to answer it for the benefit of others. I also have been trying to add a tab to that vertical region (casebuttonsideview region? - I always forget the name of it and have to look it up). This particular code sample, along with the xaml you pasted, demonstrates how this is done.
I also couldn't get this to build. I asked other resources, opened a ticket, posted on forums.
It turns out the project builds fine if you close this xaml file, and it renders fine at runtime. It seemed the XAML renderer built into visual studio has problems displaying this file (maybe due to all the new / embedded references in generic.xaml).
Moral of the story, close the xaml file, the project will compile fine.